The Confraternity of Warriors-in-Christ – What is it?

The Confraternity of Warriors-in-Christ is an organization of non-denominational Christians from all over the world whose members have made a simple but powerful promise – to offer daily prayers for their fellow Warriors-in-Christ members.

Currently,  the Confraternity of Warriors-in-Christ has over 1,000,000 members spread across 131 different countries throughout the world, including 48 out of 50 US states. We continue to add more “Prayer Warriors” each day. Christians praying for Christians – a simple but powerful idea that is changing people’s lives.

The Confraternity of Warriors-in-Christ is what the world needs now.

Let’s face it.  The world is a mess, and seemingly getting worse each year. Christians and Christian families are under an unrelenting attack by a secular world that is turning traditional beliefs upside down. Life is no longer sacred. Mass shootings, threats of catastrophic war, rampant mind-numbing and life destroying drug use, and so much hatred for one another everywhere in the world are all facets of a cultural war that seeks to destroy our Christian families and beliefs.

One need only look at the increasing poverty, crime, homelessness, erosion of traditional family values and similar signs to see the devastating effects of our losing this cultural war. God is being intentionally and systematically eradicated in our schools, our governments and yes, even in some of our so-called religious institutions.

The Confraternity of Warriors-in-Christ employs the powerful spiritual weapon of Intercessory Prayer by all Christians of all denominations from all over the world to combat the evil force behind the war we are fighting. We are fighting a war with Satan and we need the potent spiritual tools of Intercessory Prayer which God has given us to wage this war.

Diverse Religious Beliefs Cause Family Tension 

In the world we live in today, it is quite common for children of traditional Christian families to question their faith as they get older, particularly when they move out of the home, marry, and have families of their own. They begin to explore other religions and churches and will frequently change churches as they seek the “perfect” place of worship for their family. In many of these cases, the parents are left feeling guilty and believe they have failed in their duty to raise their children to be “faithful” Christians.  Family gatherings can be stressful and conversations about faith and God are studiously avoided. Even when avoided, there is an uneasiness lingering just under the surface when family members of different faith beliefs come together.

The Confraternity of Warriors-in-Christ is a great way to unite the divisiveness that can come with family members with varying beliefs.

A simple “Have you heard about the Warriors-in-Christ?” opens up the door for a non-threatening discussion about faith and prayer that should bring families closer together, instead of driving them apart. If family members of different faiths are praying for each other daily in the Confraternity of Warriors-in-Christ, it is bound to lift everyone up. Plus, it is such a simple obligation to make – to try and say a short daily prayer for all Confraternity members and for their intentions, but with such powerful consequences!

The more people pray, the more they will develop a personal relationship with Jesus, which will lead to them wanting to know more about Him.  This will lead to Scripture study, attending more church services, etc. The more that people evolve in their faith and understanding of God, the more peaceful and fulfilling their lives will be. What a great thing – and all because of Intercessory Prayer through the Confraternity of Warriors-in-Christ. Seriously, who would not want to have thousands upon thousands (a million?) praying for them and their loved ones every day.

What a wonderful and ever-lasting gift a mother, a father, a brother, a sister, a son, a daughter, etc.  would be giving their family members (and friends) by introducing them to the Confraternity of Warriors-in-Christ.

The Real enemy is not other Christians. Who is the real enemy?

Our enemy is not a Catholic, Protestant, Evangelical, etc., or any Christian with different religious views than ours.  Our real enemy is Satan, the father of all lies (John 8:44) who continues to spread his evil throughout the world as he snares the eternal souls of our family and loved ones. 

Do Christians have differences in their religious views. Absolutely, and many of these differences are significant and worthy of discussion. The Confraternity of the Warriors-in-Christ however is not the forum for those discussions.  While differences in religious doctrine, tradition, Biblical interpretation, etc. exist,  Warriors-in-Christ members unite behind their common belief in, and love of, Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Through Him we find salvation.

Since the sin of Adam and Eve, Christians have been in a continual spiritual war with Satan and many souls have been lost through a combination of ignorance of our enemy and a woeful lack of knowing how to fight him. The Confraternity of Warriors-in-Christ employs the mighty weapon of Intercessory Prayer, which focuses the prayers of all members every single day for each member’s benefit.

As noted on the Intercessory Prayer page, that kind of weaponry—the power of prayer—is something God invites us to use as we seek not only personal transformation but the transformation of the world as well. An intercessor is one who takes up a “burden” that goes far beyond his or her own needs and intentions.

And those who take up the call to intercession come to learn in a deeper way that the distractions of the present time cannot compare to the joy that will come as God’s purposes unfold. They learn to trust in the Lord, because they have experienced in prayer how infinitely compassionate God is. Intercessors participate in God’s magnificent plan to lift up humanity to share in divine life. This insight moves them to engage in the spiritual battle against the forces that seek to destroy God’s plans, and us – His people.

Unleash the transformative power and benefits from Intercessory Prayer.

If one million people prayed for you tomorrow; and every day thereafter, would it change your life?  Would it change the world?  Click the Become a Warrior button below and find out.

What is the goal of the Confraternity of Warriors-in-Christ?

To have “Warriors” in every country of the world who will lift all fellow Confraternity members up each and every single day and change the world through the concentrated power of Intercessory Prayer.   As membership in the Confraternity of Warriors-in-Christ increases, there will be a constantly growing multitude of fellow Christians praying daily for each other and their intentions.

What is the inspiration behind the Confraternity of Warriors-in-Christ?

On April 23, 2017 a beautiful little eight-year old girl in Colorado fell suddenly ill with a mysterious, fast-acting bacterial infection that threatened her too young life. In the short span of 48 hours she went from the brink of death, as her organs began to shut down, to leaving the hospital completely recovered. The deadly bacteria had disappeared as rapidly as it had appeared.

The girl’s grandparents belong to a world-wide Catholic prayer group – the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary – whose members pray for each other and each others’ intentions every time they say the Rosary. This Catholic group was founded over 500 years ago and has countless members all over the world. Naturally, the grandparents prayed for the recovery of their granddaughter. Their membership in the Most Holy Rosary Confraternity meant their prayers for this little girl’s recovery were fortified by the countless thousands of other members who were praying for her recovery too, even though they didn’t really know specifically what their prayers were for.  They didn’t need to know – God knew.

Did the multitude of people from all parts of the world in the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary praying for their granddaughter have a significant impact on her sudden recovery? The grandparents believe so. In fact, this belief and later rejoicing and giving thanks to God for her recovery made them wonder if there were a way for Christians of all denominations, not just Catholics, to receive the awesome benefits that come from intercessory prayer, such as that offered by the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary organization. Through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the Confraternity of Warriors-in-Christ is the definitive answer to that question.

For more on this background story see our Answered Prayers page.

The Confraternity of Warriors-in-Christ invites Christians of all denominations, from every country of the world, to become members by making a simple but powerful promise  – to offer daily prayers for each other and for each other’s intentions. By doing so, each member immediately receives the benefit from every other member praying daily for his/her intentions.

Who is eligible to become a member of the Confraternity of Warriors-in-Christ?

Any individual who has attained the age of reason and is a Christian (Catholics, Protestants, Evangelicals, Eastern Orthodox, etc.), and who believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who willingly sacrificed Himself on the cross so those who believe in Him might have eternal life.

What are the requirements to become a member of the Confraternity of Warriors-in-Christ?

There are only three requirements. 1) You must be a Christian/Catholic; 2) You must believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who willingly died for us so that we might have eternal life; and 3) You promise to offer prayers daily for your fellow Warriors in Christ members and for their intentions.

How do I join the Confraternity of Warriors-in-Christ?

To make it as easy as possible for people to join this world-wide group of people who try and pray for each other every day, there are three easy ways to become a member. Choose any of these to become a “Warrior-in-Christ”.

One – Click on the button below and complete the simple form as instructed.  Your name and location is all that is required.  After clicking “Submit”, you will receive a confirmation notice that your enrollment is complete and you are a member of the Confraternity of the Warriors-in-Christ. You can also use this form to enroll other family members, one form for each member; or
Two – Send an email request to and we will enroll you and confirm your enrollment by return email; or
Three (Social Media)

That’s it – no fees, no meetings, no subscriptions, no bothersome spam emails, no requests for donations, etc. As soon as you join by any of the three methods above, you will immediately and automatically be included in the daily prayers of all Confraternity members and this will continue for the rest of your life – and even beyond that as well. Please try and say a daily prayer for all other members as well.

For additional information, click on related topics in the right sidebar section of this page.