Who is The Real Enemy?

Our enemy is not a Catholic, Protestant, Evangelical, etc., or any Christian with different religious views than ours.  Our real enemy is Satan, the father of all lies (John 8:44) who continues to spread his evil throughout the world as he snares the eternal souls of our family and loved ones. 

Do Christians have differences in their religious views. Absolutely, and many of these differences are significant and worthy of discussion. The Confraternity of the Warriors in Christ however is not the forum for those discussions.  While differences in religious doctrine, tradition, Biblical interpretation, etc. exist,  Warriors in Christ members unite behind their common belief in, and love of, Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Through Him we find salvation.

Since the sin of Adam and Eve, Christians have been in a continual spiritual war with Satan and many souls have been lost through a combination of ignorance of our enemy and a woeful lack of knowing how to fight him. The Confraternity of Warriors in Christ employs the mighty weapon of Intercessory Prayer, which focuses the prayers of all members every single day for each member’s benefit.

As noted on the Intercessory Prayer page, that kind of weaponry—the power of prayer—is something God invites us to use as we seek not only personal transformation but the transformation of the world as well. An intercessor is one who takes up a “burden” that goes far beyond his or her own needs and intentions.

And those who take up the call to intercession come to learn in a deeper way that the distractions of the present time cannot compare to the joy that will come as God’s purposes unfold. They learn to trust in the Lord, because they have experienced in prayer how infinitely compassionate God is. Intercessors participate in God’s magnificent plan to lift up humanity to share in divine life. This insight moves them to engage in the spiritual battle against the forces that seek to destroy God’s plans, and us – His people.